COACH FOR Photographers and Creative Entrepreneurs

Build a business that doesn’t
suck the life out of you


For creative entrepreneurs who want
to define success your own way.

Hi, I’m Michele!

You may have landed here as your friend was raving about me, or maybe you stumbled across my site by accident – though nothing is truly accidental, thank you universe for connecting us!

Am I right to think that you have a business but are feeling like you are stuck? Maybe you have hired a coach or taken a program to help you move the needle but all that happened is that you felt even more frustrated and defeated. No word of a lie I have been there and this is why I became a Coach!

I call myself the Coach for Creative Misfits because the people that are attracted to working with me are the kind of people that want to make things work in an aligned not following the pack kinda way.

A way that feels sustainable and supports not only your bank account but also your mental health. I get that so intimately and am can’t wait to show you that it’s possible to love what you do, make good money, do it with integrity and not burn out!

I am here to help you shake off all that icky energy that has been holding you back and walk alongside you, helping you define success your own way.

How does that sound to you?

My approach is all about…

Embracing your inner misfit!

Misfits are people that are different from others, not wanting to fit in, but it’s not a bad thing to be a misfit, in fact I think it’s a rad thing!
You didn’t become a creative entrepreneur to be the same as everyone else did you? I didn’t think so! I want to work with you to help you really embrace what makes you unique and different, because that my friend is where your magic lies.

Letting go of shoulds

It’s time to stop ‘shoulding’ all over ourselves! Instead, I invite you to be compassionate with yourself, get curious about these shoulds you put on yourself and tap into your intuition leanring to trust yourself again.

Not looking externally
for validation

We ALL do this, it’s human nature, so I get it, we love to feel loved and have that pat on the back. But, what if we could go within and offer ourselves more love and acceptance that the other stuff just becomes the icing, not the cake!

Tapping into your why

Your why is like your North Star, guiding you and keeping you in alignment. When we lose sight of our why and become so consumed in always wanting more life can quickly feel vacuous and stressful, you know that hamster wheel that we got off when we left our day jobs – ya we left that for a reason.

Creating Connection

When we have honest, loving, compassionate connection with ourselves, that is when we come alive and feel energized. That is also when we are able to call in deeper connections with our clients, out networks and those in our lives.

And YES there will be strategy and all the juicy business chatter

My promise is to ensure that this is done in a way that aligns with you, or else I am not doing my job right.



KIm K.

When I met with Michele to see if she was a good fit for me as a mentoring, I instantly fell in love with her warm and friendly energy and could tell she knows what’s up!

I was in a place in my business where I felt stuck and needed a hand to get out of that feeling. My photography skills are something I felt confident in but my business skills were lagging behind. 

She reviewed my pricing, made some suggestions, helped me through the overwhelm of what products to use and also offered technical support to help me refine my work even more! Working with Michele was fun as well and she really does care about your success. I would recommend Michele to anyone looking for a mentor, she is the real deal and I know that she helped me immensely and she can do the same for others too. Thank you Michele, I appreciate how you helped me feel less stuck and more in the driver seat for my business!”

“I would recommend Michele to anyone looking for a mentor, she is the
real deal.”

MY signature method

Purpose + SYSTEMS + Success

It’s time for a new way forward in business, an embodied way, where you define what success looks like and feels like for you, based on your purpose and aligned goals.

Let’s have some real talk here for a quick minute…

A business without a clear purpose can feel empty and exhausting.

A business without systems can lead to burnout and feel like you are always chasing your tail.
I see you nodding at this one!

A business (and life!) without a feeling of success can create resentment and suck you
of your joy, and who the heck wants that? The best part is, you get to define what success
will look and feel like for you!

If this sounds like what you need in your life and business then let’s chat!


You went into business because you wanted: freedom, to be creative, to make money, to enjoy how you make money, to help others – and the list goes on.

When we are in the hustle we forget our purpose and we lose sight on who we want to serve and why. That ends here. We will work on mindset, and bringing you back into alignment so you are excited to create and serve others with your amazing talents!


Having systems in place will be a game changer for you, trust me! I can share what has worked for me and help you with setting up systems that allow you more time and freedom so that you can be rooted in your purpose.

Systems have allowed me to feel more expansive and relaxed, and I know they will do the same for you. From client onboarding, to marketing and communications, the more you can systemize things the better for you in the long run.


Often this is referred to as ‘profit’ but I know that success is so much more than that and together we are going to celebrate all your wins, big and small.

The reality is that the more we are spinning our wheels simply chasing numbers the further away we can become from our initial purpose and overall life goals of running a business that doesn’t run you.

It’s time to start redefining what ‘success’ looks like and feels like for you, so that you can feel more of it!


1:1 Business Coaching


In this three month coaching container
you will receive an initial 3 hour planning
session over Zoom, then two 90min zoom Coaching sessions monthly.
 You will also receive Voxer access to me
during the coaching container for ongoing
support and accountability.
$3100 paid in full or $1195/monthly



You will have 90mins to ask
me anything you want!
This is a great way to gain clarity,
and help you plan your next steps.
We will start off with a short embodiment
exercise then get to it.



Portfolio and website reviews are done
over loom videos that I will record and
send back to you for you to review.
Then we will jump on a 60 minute
zoom call to go over any questions
you may have.

Ongoing Monthly
Voxer Support


You finished your coaching container but still want more support, accountability and help?

No problem! I offer ongoing monthly Voxer support, with no contract so you can have the flexibility of having support for an additional month or more!


Being a business owner is confusing and lonely AF!
I promise not to leave you dazed and confused.




I have a lot of it! Sociology Degree with a Minor in Feminist Theory from UVIC, and yes I wanted to then and still do now, take down the Patriarchy, I mean
who doesn’t?


Graduated from Emily Carr University in Graphic Design.

I started my Masters at Royal Roads in Communications but this was way more fun so I left that and stuck with this and am I ever glad I made that choice!

Endless photography and business courses both from formal places and online programs. I like to learn, it’s a thing.


8 years in full time business, with lots of pivots, awards, surviving a pandemic, six figure years, plus my kid thinks what I do is cool so I am winning!

Previous Work

I spent 15 years working in Community Development, managing and creating programs that made significant impacts that I am damn proud of!


I sing in a Pop Choir, I love to cook, and lately I am all about getting my hands and feet dirty in my garden.


I am a Manifestor in Human Design, an ENFJ (but really I am an introverted extrovert so I think I am a INFJ!)

I am usually wearing black, white and grey but I love bright lipsticks, the brighter the better!

I LOVE to make playlists! It brings me so much joy to get people groovin’

I’m a dog person and have a rescue named Cupcake!