Elevate your confidence with Michele Mateus, Vancouver's premier Boudoir Photography, Portrait Photographer, and Headshots.


fishnets & fries

Welcome to Fishnets & Fries, the F-word-loving podcast serving up unfiltered,
spicy conversations to ignite your passion and power!

I’m Michele Mateus, your host, here to shake off conformity and celebrate a bold,
bodacious life—one fry at a time!

We bring the allure of a boudoir and the buzz of a night out with friends to the table.

This is your space to celebrate self-expression, sensuality, and creativity—
while championing feminism and social justice for all.

Prepare to savor conversations that are hot, crispy, and full of flavor!

Whether you’re here for inspiration, connection, or just a damn good time, pull up a chair.

Grab your fries and lean IN!