Appreciating Yourself & Supporting Others! 

Lisa knows that appreciating yourself is the kinder way to go through life, and this Fabulous Beyond 40 participant also sees the value in supporting others too. She chooses to love her body and recognizes just how amazing the woman’s body truly is. I’m so glad she honoured herself by doing this 40 Over 40 boudoir session so her self-love can continue to inspire others including the next generation.

Lisa is Fabulous Beyond 40! 

Age: 47

appreciating yourself, woman wearing  black dress, sitting on stool revealing her legs

What Made You Want to Celebrate Being Fabulous By Doing A Boudoir Photography Photo Session?

Ageing is complex and I wanted to celebrate my body. It has been there for me in every step and for every breath I’ve taken and will be there for the rest of them too. This body is my vehicle to live my life and more and more I want to appreciate it for all it does for me.

As a mother, it’s important for me that my children see that when they grow up, they are still a vital woman that cannot be defined by roles, age and our patriarchal society.

What Did You Enjoy Most About This Vancouver Boudoir Experience? How Did It Make You Feel About Yourself?

I enjoyed how free I felt and comfortable to be playful. I loved all the wardrobe choices that were available and how Michele made everything feel easy and in the flow.

woman laying on back in black under garments

Is Appreciating Yourself Easier as You Have Aged?

I feel like I appreciate everything more as I age. I am so aware that each moment is a gift. Included in that list is myself. Growing up with neglect and trauma left me with many wounds and battle scars, yet I have fought every day of my life to live in love and be a leader in my own life.

How Has Your Relationship With Yourself and Your Body Changed Over Time?

I remember having a come to Jesus moment after wrapping up breast feeding with our second child. I stared in the mirror for a long time and essentially gave them a toast for doing such a great job for producing high fat milk that nourished our two babes for a total of 28 months.

Not a day goes by that I don’t send love and appreciation to my body. Often when I am exercising, I am body scanning and honouring my healthy, strong & incredible body.

If You Could Go Back in Time and Meet Your 18 Year Old Self, What Would You Say to Her?

If I could go back and see my 18 year old self, I would first give her a giant hug, then stare her straight in the eye and tell her that she is loved and loveable. I would tell her that she is so strong and brave. That she can do hard things. That she can rest and trust her instincts. That she can and will do whatever the fuck she wants and the people who really love her will stand by her side, so go for it.

appreciating yourself wearing black bra and white shirt off the shoulder

What is Your Motto or Favourite Quote?

I am known to drop a quote in almost any situation, so picking one is tough. My top three are:

You win or you learn, you never lose.

Where focus goes, energy flows.

Whether you think you can, or you think you cannot, you are right.

Having Done This Intimate Photo Shoot, What Advice Can You Offer Other Women Of All Ages Around Ageing?

I believe that when women stop playing the game the patriarchy established and start sticking together, supporting one another and casting our gaze and energy within rather than wasting it on judging, shaming and comparing others, we will rule the world.

Any Last Words About Appreciating Yourself?

If beating yourself up worked, wouldn’t life be perfect by now?  Who decided what was perfect or beautiful anyway? When we practise self-kindness we can pay more kindness forward. Nobody wins when we beat ourself up, in fact, we all benefit from people brave enough to experiment, innovate, fall and fail. When we are kind to ourselves, we feel safe and when we feel safe we are free to be our wild selves and dance to the rhythm of our soul.

woman laying on back wearing black lingerie and feet up on a couch

Thank you Lisa for participating and sharing. I love how you are appreciating yourself and honouring your body, and the wonderful parts of it, knowing it nourished not only your babes but you too!

The Fabulous Beyond 40 Experience is wrapping up very soon so click here for all of the details and then get yourself signed up! You don’t want to miss this wonderful opportunity to love on yourself and say thank you to you!

Read about the other fabulous women over 40 who are featured on the blog. 

Photos shared with permission.

Michele Mateus is a Boudoir, Intimate Portrait & Nude Fine Art Photographer located in Coquitlam, BC. Serving Coquitlam, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver and Fraser Valley, BC. Studio, Outdoor and On-location Boudoir Photography.

Hair & Makeup By Jenny Valla.

Let’s Make
Magic Together!

I Look Forward To Having
You In My Vancouver Boudoir
And Portrait Studio!

Michele Mateus is an award winning Vancouver Portrait Photographer specialised in Lifestyle & Intimate Portraiture. Michele works both in her studio and on location serving Coquitlam, Vancouver, Fraser Valley, Langley, Abbotsford, Squamish, Burnaby, Surrey, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, New Westminster and the Great Vancouver area.

Thanks For Reading!

Learn More About Michele

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